The makers also released the teaser of the movie earlier in February, which received a positive response from the audience and garnered over 11 million views on YouTube. The movie also has Digangana Suryavanshi, Bhumika Chawala, Apsara Rani, Rao Ramesh and Posani Krishna Murali among others playing important roles.Įarlier, Seetimaarr was slated for release on April 2, 2021, but with the sharp increase in the number of COVID-19 cases and the eventual closure of theatres in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, the release was postponed. Gopichand will be seen as the coach of Andhra Pradesh kabaddi team, while Tamannah will be seen as Jwala Reddy, the coach for the Telangana kabaddi team. The director is known for his previous movies such as Paper Boy, Bengal Tiger and Goutham Nanda, among others.Īctors Gopichand and Tamannaah will be seen in the lead roles of Seetimaarr, essaying the characters of coaches of two different kabaddi teams.
Seetimaarr is expected to be an action-packed sports drama revolving around kabaddi, and is directed by Sampath Nandi. The makers of the movie, Srinivasa Silver Screen, have announced that the film will be released in theatres across the Telugu states on September 3. Tollywood actors Gopichand and Tamannaah Bhatia’s upcoming film Seetimaarr is all set to release soon.